Behind The Scenes Video Production Service UK

We produce bespoke video assets for your movie

Working with agencies and production companies, Mark Jury is a self-shooting director / producer who will document the making of your project in both long-form and short-form edits.  Commercials, music videos and feature films can have spectacular set pieces and complex action sequences that should be documented for your future use. A behind the scenes ( BTS ) video is such an effective marketing tool and ideal for streaming online.  Working discretely behind the scenes, we gather plenty of interesting footage of your project underway and tell the story of how it came together.

EPK (electronic press kit) digital video content for distribution companies to use on  DVD / Blu-ray extras, social media and marketing material for promoting the film.

BTS b-roll footage and lots of it will be discretely captured during our set visit. The more we have to work with offers more opportunities for the edit. A bts video will allow you to show off all the hard work and effort that went into the making of your project.

BTS interviews we will work to your production schedules to conduct cast and crew interviews with structured questions, such as: “how long did this project take to develop” or “how do you feel about this stunt that you are about to perform?”  We can set up a camera, lights and microphone at the edge of the set or in a quiet corner against a black curtain and bring in a professional interviewer for in-depth sessions.

BTS time-lapse photography is a great way to document the construction and assembly of a project over the span of many hours or even days from start to finish.

Graphics such as your logo and custom titles can be put over the edited footage, which can be used for your DVD / Blu-ray features, Television, or social media use.

BTS Still Photography can be provided on set and on location in addition to video content for your marketing needs.

Alternatively, you can employ MJ Films as your main on-set photographer throughout the production.

Things to consider:

We prepare for the kind of edit you have in mind. Long form with a narrative, individual featurettes, or short form / sneak peak.

On set interviews: Will your cast and crew have time for interviews or should these be scheduled after the final day of shooting? Some produtions we have covered have had continuous working lunches and we have had to film interviews in the trailer or away from the set.

Proximity of camera: How close do you want our camera to the set?  We can provide a wide overview of the crew at work or get right in the action and gather crew discussions for video diaries of each step of the process.  See The Making of Raiders of The Lost Ark (1981) as a good example.

EPK location interviews